Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thing Three: RSS

I have had a Bloglines RSS account for a couples of years and my feeds have mushroomed over that time period. Working as a solo librarian in a small government library, I find RSS particularly useful for access to various library-related blogs. Having these blogs aggregated together helps me to keep up with things going on in libraries.

My job also involves web responsiblities so I also use RSS to keep up with web development trends and tools and tech trends in general.

Participating in this 23 Things experience afforded me an opportunity to re-evaluate my feed selections and make sure everything was still relevant. I can see that doing this on a regular basis can help to guard against "RSS overload" which can happen very easily. For example, I did remove most of the news feeds I had been subscribing to since I often go directly to news or newspaper sites.

And finally, I have some definite favorites. Here's a partial list the hangspot for libraries, Library Stuff, A List Apart, and Library Clips.

And, of course, I have taken this opportunity to add a few more blogs. Thanks to 23 things I have learned more and even enhanced a tool I was already using.